Ready, Set, Play: Leveraging External Content Channels for Learning in the Digital Age
A message from our CEO, Lefteris Ntouanoglou Ask just about anyone today to name one thing they learned within the past week and wRead More
How to Successfully Implement a New Initiative in the Workplace
Whether it’s to keep up with changing technology, a fast-paced market, new regulations, or something else, implementing a new inRead More
8 Effective Strategies to Develop (and Keep) Your Employees
How effective are your strategies for developing—and keeping—your employees? Creating an effective strategy to develop and retRead More
Why Top-Performing Employees Leave—And What You Can Do About It
If you’re in the field of human resources management, you’ve probably faced the following scenario: one of your best, top-perfRead More
How to Shift Employees’ Learning Mindset from “Must do” to “Want to”
When was the last time you went to a workplace training session full of employees whose learning mindset was to be excited to learRead More
Modality Matters: Why Learners Need More Than an Off-the-Shelf Solution
It’s a learning and development professional’s job to not just deliver training content but also to consider the modality and Read More
7 Ways to Make Learning Memorable and Fun
How can you make your learning experiences more memorable and less boring? Capturing your audience’s attention and holding it caRead More
Continuous Compliance Training: A Better Approach to Workplace Behavior Change
Do you think of compliance training as a one-time activity to mitigate risk or to avoid penalties on an audit? If so, you’re notRead More
Four Benefits of Employee-Curated Learning Content
How does your workplace approach content curation or creation? For companies dedicated to learning and development, content curatiRead More
How to Encourage Engagement in Virtual Training Sessions
It looks like virtual training is not going anywhere any time soon. While many people had never participated in virtual training bRead More