Hierarchy Archives - Schoox - A Learning Management System Workplace Learning Software Thu, 04 May 2023 15:51:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.3 https://www.schoox.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/favicon.ico Hierarchy Archives - Schoox - A Learning Management System 32 32 LMS and Organizational Structure: Perfect Pair or Perfect Storm? https://www.schoox.com/blog/lms-and-organizational-structure-perfect-pair-or-perfect-storm/ Thu, 21 Jul 2022 16:48:32 +0000 https://www.schoox.com/lms-and-organizational-structure-perfect-pair-or-perfect-storm/ When it comes to popular pairings, wine and cheese, Batman and Robin, and rhythm and blues probably top the list. But what if your LMS and your org structure are more like night and day? Organizational structure defines how people, processes, and systems are organized to achieve company goals, which means your LMS needs to…

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When it comes to popular pairings, wine and cheese, Batman and Robin, and rhythm and blues probably top the list. But what if your LMS and your org structure are more like night and day? Organizational structure defines how people, processes, and systems are organized to achieve company goals, which means your LMS needs to be a perfect fit. 

Having the ability to configure your learning program’s organizational structure to match your business structure helps businesses overcome some of their leading learning program challenges. A recent survey by Brandon Hall Group found that today’s franchise businesses are facing significant learning program challenges, including: 

  • 88% said technology capabilities are a medium or high factor in franchisee training effectiveness
  • 62% said they experience difficulty in measuring the effectiveness of their learning programs
  • 42% said they lack the right technology to run effective learning programs 

Franchise business models represent just one example of how unique organizational needs become hurdles standing in the way of effective learning. SHRM, the Society for Human Resource Management, provides a toolkit that explains the full spectrum of organizational structures:

  • Vertical structures where work and employees are organized by specialization, usually departments
  • Matrix structures where work and employees are organized by specialization and by division, usually product, service, customer, or geography

  • Open boundary or network structures where work and employees are organized beyond traditional boundaries into groups and teams that can include third parties such as partners, suppliers, and outsourcers

With this variety in organizational structures, why do most learning management systems take a one-size-fits-all approach? 

Build Your LMS Org Structure Your Way 

While other learning platforms are built exclusively for vertical organizational design, Schoox uses a flexible hierarchy model that makes it possible to support any organizational structure. This means L&D leaders can get creative with representing the nuanced, matrixed ways that people are connected and need to collaborate across your enterprise. L&D can then impact all types of training and talent initiatives including company-wide communication, learning and content sharing, performance reviews, and much more.

Schoox hierarchies make it possible to organize learning programs on a granular level. Here are some examples:

  • Businesses: Corporate, brands, franchise operators, regions
  • Departments: Functional and divisional
  • Jobs: Roles and responsibilities
  • Geographies: City, metro area, state, country

Here are some examples from different industries to show how to organize learning for different types of organizational structures using Schoox:

Software (vertical): A software company with a vertical organization where an employee (software developer) reports to a function (engineering). Using Schoox, the software company would be the primary hierarchy, with a grouping to support the one-to-one relationship between the software developer and the engineering function. 

Construction (matrix): A construction company with a matrixed organization where an employee (a project manager) reports to both a function (project management office) and a division (energy). Using Schoox, the construction company would be the primary hierarchy, with groups to support one-to-one relationships between the project manager and each of the departments: the project management office and the energy division. 

Manufacturing (open boundary): A beverage manufacturing company with an open boundary structure where an employee (plant manager) works for a partner or subsidiary (independent bottling plant). With Schoox, the beverage manufacturing company would be the primary hierarchy, with a group that connects the plant manager to the independent bottling plant. 

In this model, the manufacturer has the option to create distinct groups for each of its bottling plant partners. And within these groups, the partners would be able to create their own custom learning programs for their direct employees (e.g., the plant manager, their teams, and the individuals who work at the plant.) This approach is commonly used in franchise businesses such as restaurants and hotels.

Once the organizational structure is in place, simple filters make it easy to send targeted communications, automate learning assignments, report on progress, and provide the right information to the right employees at the right time.    

Schoox in Action—Subway’s Global Franchise Structure

A perfect example of the flexibility of the Schoox hierarchy tools is Subway® Sandwich Restaurants. The organizational structure of the global chain’s 44,500-plus restaurants in 110 countries around the world consists of a variety of relationship types between the corporate offices, franchisors, and franchisees. 

The company’s previous LMS was designed for a vertical organization, so it fell short of its real-world learning program needs. As a result, the restaurant chain struggled to serve the learning demands of its teams, managers, and employees. 

With Schoox, the University of Subway is now structured to model the company’s complex organization structure. Every restaurant, manager, and franchisee can use the platform in the way that works best for them. The flexible hierarchical tools empower the company to deliver a more robust learning program around the world.

Learn More

Learn more about Subway’s success and the power of Schoox to support learning programs for front-line workers in our new light paper, The Top 5 Capabilities of Learning and Development for Frontline Workers.   https://employee-learning-on-the-move.schoox.com/

Want to understand how to organize learning using Schoox hierarchies? Check out our eBook, Expand Your Organization’s Learning Connections, Relationships, and Collaboration. https://learn.schoox.com/ebook-organizational-structures

The post LMS and Organizational Structure: Perfect Pair or Perfect Storm? appeared first on Schoox - A Learning Management System.

Why LMS Hierarchies Should Be Designed for Today’s Organizational Structures https://www.schoox.com/blog/why-lms-hierarchies-should-be-designed-for-todays-organizational-structures/ Fri, 23 Jul 2021 17:55:43 +0000 https://www.schoox.com/why-lms-hierarchies-should-be-designed-for-todays-organizational-structures/ Today’s organizational structures—and work environments—are vastly different than what they were decades ago. As the importance of talent development increases in today’s workplaces, companies need learning programs that can adapt to the needs of evolving business structures, personnel changes, and complex relationships. To achieve this, companies should focus on the backbone of their learning management…

The post Why LMS Hierarchies Should Be Designed for Today’s Organizational Structures appeared first on Schoox - A Learning Management System.

Today’s organizational structures—and work environments—are vastly different than what they were decades ago.

As the importance of talent development increases in today’s workplaces, companies need learning programs that can adapt to the needs of evolving business structures, personnel changes, and complex relationships.

To achieve this, companies should focus on the backbone of their learning management system (LMS). The “backbone” of an LMS is based on a company’s organizational structure and is also known as a “hierarchy.” 

The future demands flexibility and innovation

Over the past several decades, the business world has been slowly replacing traditional top-down management hierarchies with more decentralized, flexible “networks.” 

These new forms of business organization are based on several changes impacting today’s workforce. For example, changes with digitization, flexible work schedules, demographics and worker expectations, the demand for autonomy, decentralized decision making, and measurement by objectives and key results (OKRs) instead of key performance indicators (KPIs).

Learning technologies have also been impacted by these changes. In fact, the monumental changes that the business world and workforce faced over the past year and a half have catapulted LMSs into the spotlight. Learning solutions are now a critical “must have” for today’s workplaces. 

However, many of the learning systems available make it harder, not easier, for companies to configure their system to adapt to evolving business challenges, and provide flexible and innovative learning opportunities to their employees. 

Clearly, organizations need a more modern learning solution with capabilities that allow them to easily define their unique organizational structure within their LMS, and be able to adjust it quickly when there are inevitable changes to your business needs. 

Most LMS platforms are built around an outdated organizational structures

No two organizational structures are alike. In the past, most businesses operated in a traditional pyramid organizational structure. But today, business structures are not always so linear. 

Modern organizational structures are complex and networked at multiple levels. They include non-linear relationships between business units. For example:

  • More than one retail concept or brands
  • A mix of franchisee- and corporate-owned stores
  • Locations in multiple countries
  • A mix of partnerships

This complexity presents a real challenge for most  LMS platforms  because most still only support the 50-year-old pyramid-style organizational structure.

Thus, if your unique business structure doesn’t fit this “box,” you risk having to spend excessive amounts of time and money creating workarounds, resulting in a wide range of business limitations and missed opportunities. 

In the end, all of these challenges mean one thing: Your LMS doesn’t work for your unique organizational structure. And because of this, your learning programs suffer.  

LMS hierarchies should be designed for the new world of work

In today’s organizational structures, your learning platform, and the LMS hierarchy informing it, should do three things:

  1. Empower employees
  2. Streamline management
  3. Be adaptable and flexible to change

Currently, most LMSs only support  person-to-person relationships . But an LMS hierarchy suited for modern organizational structures should support person-to-person, organization unit-to-person, and person-to-organization unit relationships .  

This opens up the opportunity for hyper-focused levels of communication, learning content, information sharing, reporting, and much more.

For example, an individual employee at a franchise restaurant store may need to be connected at the same time to the franchise location, a multi-unit owner office, a regional group, a territory, or country. The regional manager for that franchise group may only want to send targeted communications or assign learning to all the stores in one city, but they should easily have access to personnel data, training results, and communications of their entire region.

The impact of an LMS hierarchy for modern organizational structures

An LMS hierarchy impacts the efficiency  of every function within the learning system. To that end, a modern LMS hierarchy affords organizations many more possibilities and pathways for success with their learning programs. 

For example:

  • Permissions. You can target content and course sharing to employees with precision, or create custom job permissions instead of relying on the LMS predefined roles.
  • Approvals. You can give employees control over their learning experience—and keep the right governance in place—to build greater work satisfaction.
  • Learning assignments and content. You can assign courses, curricula, and events more quickly to an entire cross-functional group versus person by person, or relying only on obvious business groupings, like department or job role.
  • Communication and social collaboration. You can target employee engagement by regions, areas, and groups for better team building.
  • Performance and goals. You can define relationships to drive a more proactive employee review and approval process.
  • Reporting. You can choose exactly which data you will share with whom across the organization.


If you plan to purchase or upgrade your LMS, remember to take the hierarchy component of the system into account. Make sure it can support today’s demands as well as your organization’s unique and ever-evolving needs.

Schoox is the only learning solution provider that supports how your employees work today, how your managers need to manage, delivers flexibility as you grow and change, and provides actionable, data-driven insights to support your success.

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The post Why LMS Hierarchies Should Be Designed for Today’s Organizational Structures appeared first on Schoox - A Learning Management System.
