The following requests relate to getting information regarding the academy's events via the Schoox Academy API. Note: All requests must be Authenticated.
Get a List of In-Class-Training Events
Returns a list of In-Class Training Events for a specific date range.
GET /events/ilt
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
dateStart | Start date for the events | No | Date | 2016-06-08 |
dateEnd | End date for the events | No | Date | 2016-06-09 |
start | Starting Position | No | Integer | 0 |
limit | Number of events to return per request. Default to 20 | No | Integer | 100 |
status | ILT Event status. Available values "active", "archived", "canceled". Default is "active". | No | String | archived |
Example Request
Response Object
Response Object
{"all":737, "events":[{"id":196, "title":"Event 1", "attendeesNr":0, "description":"Description", "categoryIds": [ 4 ], "category": "Customer Service", "status":"Completed", "local_start_date":"2021-04-19 09:00:00 EEST", "local_end_date":"2021-04-19 17:00:00 EEST", "event_start_date":"2021-04-19 06:00:00 UTC", "event_end_date":"2021-04-19 14:00:00 UTC", "timezone":"(GMT+02:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk", "duration":480, "attendees_yes":0, "attendees_pending":0, "registered":0, "completed":0, "absent":0, "cancelled":0, "waitlisted":0, "available_seats":20, "curriculum_connected":1, "course_connected":0, "location":"Athens, Greece", "city":"Athens"},{"id":197, "title":"Event 2", "attendeesNr":0, "description":"Description", "status":"Completed", "local_start_date":"2021-04-19 09:00:00 EEST", "local_end_date":"2021-04-19 17:00:00 EEST", "event_start_date":"2021-04-19 06:00:00 UTC", "event_end_date":"2021-04-19 14:00:00 UTC", "timezone":"(GMT+02:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk", "duration":480, "attendees_yes":0, "attendees_pending":0, "registered":0, "completed":0, "absent":0, "cancelled":0, "waitlisted":0, "available_seats":20, "curriculum_connected":1, "course_connected":0, "category":"Customer Service", "location":"Athens, Greece", "city":"Athens"}]}
Get Details of an In-Class-Training Event
Returns the details of a specific In-Class-Training Event.
GET /events/ilt/:eventid
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
Example Request
Response Object
{"id":705392,"picture":"https:\/\/\/theme\/schoox\/images\/academies\/in_class_training.jpg","status":"Completed","categoryIds":[-1],"category":"Without Category","visible":true,"active":true,"archived":false,"deleted":false,"canceled":false,"upcoming":false,"inProgress":false,"completed":true,"eventStartDate":"2021-12-11 07:00:00 UTC","eventEndDate":"2021-12-11 15:00:00 UTC","durationMinutes":480,"title":"In-Class Training 1","bundleTitle":"","description":"In-Class Training\n","timeOffset":"+02","registrationDeadline":0,"sessions":[{"topic":"Event topic","date":"12\/11\/2021","from":"09:00 AM","to":"05:00 PM","fromTimestamp":1639206000,"toTimestamp":1639234800,"upcoming":0,"inProgress":0,"completed":1,"segments":[{"title":"Segment topic","from":"09:00 AM","to":"05:00 PM","fromTimestamp":1639206000,"toTimestamp":1639234800,"upcoming":0,"inProgress":0,"completed":1}]}],"registrationBased":true,"invitationBased":false,"autoApproved":false,"canMulti":0,"canMultiReadable":"This Event has no repetition rules.","retakeEvery":0,"maxAttendees":20,"seatsAvailable":19,"maxed":false,"blockReservations":false,"autoArchive":false,"courseConnected":0,"partOfCourse":false,"curriculumConnected":0,"partOfCurriculum":false,"externalInstructors":["John Smith"],"schooxInstructors":[],"attendeesYes":1,"attendeesPending":0,"registered":1,"cancelled":0,"waitlisted":0,"passingScore":0,"venueId":0,"coordinates":"{\"latitude\":\"40.7830603\",\"longitude\":\"-73.9712488\"}","address":"Manhattan, New York, NY, USA","city":"New York"}
Response Object
{"id":705392, "picture":"", "status":"Upcoming", "categoryIds": [ -1 ], "category": "Without Category", "visible":true, "active":true, "archived":false, "deleted":false, "canceled":false, "upcoming":true, "inProgress":false, "completed":false, "eventStartDate":"2023-08-22 06:00:00 UTC", "eventEndDate":"2023-08-22 14:00:00 UTC", "durationMinutes":480, "title":"My Event", "bundleTitle":"", "description":"Description", "timeOffset":"+02", "registrationDeadline":0, "sessions":[{"topic":"Topic of Day 1", "date":"08/22/2023", "from":"09:00 AM", "to":"05:00 PM", "fromTimestamp":1692684000, "toTimestamp":1692712800, "upcoming":1, "inProgress":0, "completed":0, "segments":[{"title":"Topic of Segment 1 of Day 1", "from":"09:00 AM", "to":"05:00 PM", "fromTimestamp":1692684000, "toTimestamp":1692712800, "upcoming":1, "inProgress":0, "completed":0}]}], "registrationBased":true, "invitationBased":false, "autoApproved":false, "canMulti":1, "canMultiReadable": "Users can attend multiple Offers", "retakeEvery":0, "maxAttendees":20, "seatsAvailable":20, "maxed":false, "blockReservations":false, "autoArchive":false, "courseConnected":442, "partOfCourse":false, "curriculumConnected":0, "partOfCurriculum":false, "passingScore":0, "externalInstructors": ["Name of external Instructor 1", "Name of external Instructor 2" ], "schooxInstructors": [ "1909641216", "1609175682", "571874720" ], "attendeesYes":5, "attendeesPending":0, "registered":5, "cancelled":0, "waitlisted":0, "venueId":0, "coordinates":"{\"latitude\":\"37.9838096\",\"longitude\":\"23.7275388\"}", "address":"Athens, Greece", "city":"Athens"}
Get a List of the Offers of an In-Class-Training Event
Returns the bundled Offers of an In-Class-Training Event. In case the Event is not already converted to multiple Offers or in case it does not contain any, it returns only the main Event.
GET /events/ilt/:eventid/offers
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
start | Starting Position | No | Integer | 0 |
limit | Number of Offers to return per request, up to maximum of 20. Default to 20 | No | Integer | 20 |
search | Filters Offers by their name. | No | String | Search Text |
Example Request
Response Object
[{"id":705392,"picture":"https:\/\/\/theme\/schoox\/images\/academies\/in_class_training.jpg","status":"Completed","categoryIds":[-1],"category":"Without Category","visible":true,"active":true,"archived":false,"deleted":false,"canceled":false,"upcoming":false,"inProgress":false,"completed":true,"eventStartDate":"2021-12-11 07:00:00 UTC","eventEndDate":"2021-12-11 15:00:00 UTC","durationMinutes":480,"title":"In-Class Training 1","bundleTitle":"","description":"In-Class Training\n","timeOffset":"+02","registrationDeadline":0,"sessions":[{"topic":"Event topic","date":"12\/11\/2021","from":"09:00 AM","to":"05:00 PM","fromTimestamp":1639206000,"toTimestamp":1639234800,"upcoming":0,"inProgress":0,"completed":1,"segments":[{"title":"Segment topic","from":"09:00 AM","to":"05:00 PM","fromTimestamp":1639206000,"toTimestamp":1639234800,"upcoming":0,"inProgress":0,"completed":1}]}],"registrationBased":true,"invitationBased":false,"autoApproved":false,"canMulti":0,"canMultiReadable":"This Event has no repetition rules.","retakeEvery":0,"maxAttendees":20,"seatsAvailable":19,"maxed":false,"blockReservations":false,"autoArchive":false,"courseConnected":0,"partOfCourse":false,"curriculumConnected":0,"partOfCurriculum":false,"externalInstructors":["John Smith"],"schooxInstructors":[],"attendeesYes":1,"attendeesPending":0,"registered":1,"cancelled":0,"waitlisted":0,"passingScore":0,"venueId":0,"coordinates":"{\"latitude\":\"40.7830603\",\"longitude\":\"-73.9712488\"}","address":"Manhattan, New York, NY, USA","city":"New York"}]
Response Object
[{"id":705392, "picture":"", "status":"Completed", "categoryIds": [ -1 ], "visible":true, "active":true, "archived":false, "deleted":false, "canceled":false, "upcoming":false, "inProgress":false, "completed":true, "eventStartDate":"2021-03-11 07:00:00 UTC", "eventEndDate":"2021-03-11 15:00:00 UTC", "durationMinutes":480, "title":"My Event 1", "bundleTitle":"", "description":"Description", "timeOffset":"+02", "registrationDeadline":0, "sessions":[{"topic":"Day 1", "date":"03/11/2021", "from":"09:00 AM", "to":"05:00 PM", "fromTimestamp":1615446000, "toTimestamp":1615474800, "upcoming":0, "inProgress":0, "completed":1, "segments":[{"title":"Segment 1 of Day 1", "from":"09:00 AM", "to":"05:00 PM", "fromTimestamp":1615446000, "toTimestamp":1615474800, "upcoming":0, "inProgress":0, "completed":1}]}], "registrationBased":true, "invitationBased":false, "autoApproved":false, "canMulti":0, "canMultiReadable": "Users can attend only one Offer", "retakeEvery":0, "maxAttendees":20, "seatsAvailable":20, "maxed":false, "blockReservations":false, "autoArchive":false, "courseConnected":0, "partOfCourse":false, "curriculumConnected":0, "partOfCurriculum":false, "passingScore":0, "externalInstructors": ["Name of external Instructor 1", "Name of external Instructor 2" ], "schooxInstructors": [ "1909641216", "1609175682", "571874720" ], "attendeesYes":11, "attendeesPending":0, "registered":0, "cancelled":0, "waitlisted":0, "venueId":0, "coordinates":"{\"latitude\":\"37.9838096\",\"longitude\":\"23.7275388\"}", "address":"Athens, Greece", "city":"Athens"},{"id":729, "picture":"", "status":"Completed", "categoryId":-1, "category":"Without Category", "visible":true, "active":true, "archived":false, "deleted":false, "canceled":false, "upcoming":false, "inProgress":false, "completed":true, "eventStartDate":"2022-03-12 07:00:00 UTC", "eventEndDate":"2022-03-12 15:00:00 UTC", "durationMinutes":480, "title":"My Event 2", "bundleTitle":"", "description":"Description", "timeOffset":"+02", "registrationDeadline":0, "sessions":[{"topic":"Day 1", "date":"03/12/2022", "from":"09:00 AM", "to":"05:00 PM", "fromTimestamp":1647068400, "toTimestamp":1647097200, "upcoming":0, "inProgress":0, "completed":1, "segments":[{"title":"Segment 1 of Day 1", "from":"09:00 AM", "to":"05:00 PM", "fromTimestamp":1647068400, "toTimestamp":1647097200, "upcoming":0, "inProgress":0, "completed":1}]}], "registrationBased":true, "invitationBased":false, "autoApproved":false, "canMulti":1, "canMultiReadable": "Users can attend only one Offer", "retakeEvery":0, "maxAttendees":20, "seatsAvailable":20, "maxed":false, "blockReservations":false, "autoArchive":false, "courseConnected":0, "partOfCourse":false, "curriculumConnected":0, "partOfCurriculum":false, "passingScore":0, "externalInstructors": ["Name of external Instructor 1", "Name of external Instructor 2" ], "schooxInstructors": [ "1909641216", "1609175682", "571874720" ], "attendeesYes":11, "attendeesPending":0, "registered":0, "cancelled":0, "waitlisted":0, "venueId":0, "coordinates":"{\"latitude\":\"37.9838096\",\"longitude\":\"23.7275388\"}", "address":"Athens, Greece", "city":"Athens"}]
Get a List of In-Class-Training Event's Participants & Instructors
Returns a list of Event's registrants.
GET /events/ilt/:eventid/users
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
start | Starting Position | No | Integer | 0 |
limit | Number of Users to return per request, up to maximum of 100. Default to 20 | No | Integer | 20 |
onlyCompleted | Return only the Users who have completed the Event. Using this filter, will additionally return the Event Certificate date, per User. | No | Boolean | true |
Example Request
Response Object
{"title":"In-Class Training 1","start_date":"2021-12-11T07:00:00+00:00","end_date":"2021-12-11T15:00:00+00:00","users_count":1,"instructors":[],"users":[{"id":473159548,"firstname":"Frank","preferred_name":"test","lastname":"Doe","email":"","approved":"Yes"}]}
Response Object
{"title":"My Event", "start_date":"2022-04-13T17:49:02+00:00", "end_date":"2022-04-13T18:49:02+00:00", "users_count":2, "instructors":[{"id":623318285, "firstname":"Name", "preferred_name":null, "lastname":"Surname", "email":""},{"id":1609175682, "firstname":"Name", "preferred_name":null, "lastname":"Surname", "email":""}], "users":[{"id":123456789, "firstname":"Name", "preferred_name":null, "lastname":"Surname", "email":"", "approved":"Yes"},{"id":1909612345, "firstname":"Name", "preferred_name":null, "lastname":"Surname", "email":"", "approved":"Yes"}]}
Get a List of Attendance data of the Users of an In-Class-Training Event
Returns the attendance data of the Users of an In-Class-Training Event.
GET /events/ilt/:eventid/users-attendance-data
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
start | Starting Position | No | Integer | 0 |
limit | Number of Users to return per request, up to maximum of 20. Default to 20 | No | Integer | 20 |
search | Filters Users by their name. | No | String | Search Text |
Example Request
Response Object
Response Object
{"usersAttendanceData":[{"userId":1123455674, "firstname":"Name", "preferred_name":null, "lastname":"Surname", "email":"", "timeSpentInMinutes":45}, {"userId":1123455674, "firstname":"Name", "preferred_name":null, "lastname":"Surname", "email":"", "timeSpentInMinutes":41}]}
Add a New In-Class-Training Event
Creates a new In-Class-Training Event. All dates are in MM/DD/YY format.
POST /events/ilt
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
Request Object Schema
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
title | The title for your Event | Yes | String | My Event |
description | A custom description for your Event. | Yes | String | This is the description of my Event |
timeOffset | The offset for the timezone of your Event. For your preferred value, please refer to the API end-point "Content" > "List of Timezones". | Yes | Integer or float | 6.5 |
registrationDeadline | How many hours before the Event the Users can register. | Yes | Integer | 2 |
days | A JSON array which holds the information of the schedule of your Event, with parameters: "topic", "date", "from" and "to", for each day, and the Segment(s), per day. | Yes | JSON array | [ { "topic": "Topic for Day 1 of the Event", "date": "12/19/2022", "from": { "hours": 9, "minutes": 0, "meridian": "AM" }, "to": { "hours": 5, "minutes": 0, "meridian": "PM" }, "segments": [ { "title": "Topic for Segment 1 of Day 1", "date": "12/19/2022", "from": { "hours": 9, "minutes": 0, "meridian": "AM" }, "to": { "hours": 11, "minutes": 0, "meridian": "AM" } }, { "title": "Topic for Segment 2 of Day 1", "date": "12/19/2022", "from": { "hours": 3, "minutes": 0, "meridian": "PM" }, "to": { "hours": 5, "minutes": 0, "meridian": "PM" } } ] } ] |
based | 1 for invitation-based, 2 for registration-based. Cannot be changed when editing the details of an Event. In case of Course-connected or Curriculum-connected Event, it can only have the value "2" (registration-based). | Yes | Integer | 1 |
autoApproved | If set to "true", then whoever registers will automatically be accepted. Applies only to (and is required for) registration-based Events. | No | Boolean | true |
attendees | Maximum number of attendees for your Event. Applies only to (and is required for) registration-based Events. Default to 20. | No | Integer | 50 |
blockReservations | Enables or disables the Waiting List. Applies only to (and is required for) registration-based Events. | No | Boolean | false |
bundleTitle | A custom title for the Event Bundle, in case it may include, in the future, additional Offers. | No | String | My Bundle title |
visible | Set the Event as visible or non-visible. Default to non-visible. | No | Boolean | true |
categoryId | The Category ID of the Event. Is required only for a non-connected Event; in this case, you should use an Academy Category ID. For a Course-connected Event, you can use the ID of one of the Course Categories, or omit this parameter to auto-assign the 1st Category of the Course. For a Curriculum-connected Event, you can use the Category ID of the Curriculum, or omit this parameter to auto-assign the Category of the Curriculum. | No | Integer | 11 |
courseId | The Course ID to connect the Event to. Cannot be changed when editing the details of an Event. | No | Integer | 301 |
partOfCourse | Indicates if your Event will be required for Course completion. Applies only to (and is required for) Course-connected Events. Default to "false". | No | Boolean | true |
curriculumId | The Curriculum ID to connect the Event to. Cannot be changed when editing the details of an Event. You can only connect the Event to either a Course or to a Curriculum. If you use both, then it will be connected to the Course. | No | Integer | 301 |
partOfCurriculum | Indicates if your Event will be required for Curriculum completion. Applies only to (and is required for) Curriculum-connected Events. Default to "false". | No | Boolean | true |
passingScore | The passing score required for this Event to be marked as "completed" for a User. Applies only to (and is required for) Course-connected Events which are required for Course completion, or to Curriculum-connected Events which are required for Curriculum completion. Default to 0. | No | Integer | 80 |
customCalMessage | A custom description for the iCal file of your Event. | No | String | This is a custom iCal description |
autoArchive | Automatically archive the Event once completed. | No | Boolean | true |
externalInstructors | A JSON array, including the names of the External Instructors. | No | JSON array | [ { "name": "Name of External Instructor 1" }, { "name": "Name of External Instructor 2" } ] |
schooxInstructors | A JSON array, including the user IDs of the Schoox Instructors, and if they are a Primary Instructor for the Event. You can optionally set one of them as the Primary Instructor. If no Schoox Instructors are provided, then the Super Admin of the Academy will be added as the Primary Instructor of the Event. | No | JSON array | [ { "id": 123456789, "isPrimary": true }, { "id": 987654321, "isPrimary": false } ] |
venue | The ID of the Venue where your Event will take place at. You must provide either a Venue or a location. You can use this, instead of a map location. For your preferred value, please refer to the API end-point "Content" > "List of Venues". | No | Integer | 11 |
venueSeats | The available number of seats for the selected Venue. Is required, if you provide a Venue. For your preferred value, please refer to the API end-point "Content" > "List of Venues". | No | Integer | 50 |
location | The name of a city / area / location, discoverable in Google Maps. Is required, if you do not provide a Venue. | No | String | Thessaloniki, Greece |
marker | The marker data for your custom Event location. Is required, if you do not provide a Venue and provide a location instead. | No | JSON object | { "coords": { "latitude": 40.6400629, "longitude": 22.9444191 } } |
Example Request
Request Object
{"title":"My Event", "bundleTitle":"My Bundle title", "description":"This is the description of my Event", "customCalMessage":"This is a custom iCal description", "timeOffset":-6, "visible":true, "categoryId":-1, "based":2, "autoApproved":true, "attendees":33, "blockReservations":true, "passingScore":90, "registrationDeadline":2, "autoArchive":false, "externalInstructors":[{"name":"Name of External Instructor 1"}, {"name":"Name of External Instructor 2"}], "schooxInstructors":[{"id":123456789, "isPrimary":true}, {"id":987654321, "isPrimary":false}], "days":[{"topic":"Topic for Day 1 of the Event", "date":"12/19/2022", "from":{"hours":9, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}, "to":{"hours":5, "minutes":0, "meridian":"PM"}, "segments":[{"title":"Topic for Segment 1 of Day 1", "date":"12/19/2022", "from":{"hours":9, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}, "to":{"hours":11, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}}, {"title":"Topic for Segment 2 of Day 1", "date":"12/19/2022", "from":{"hours":3, "minutes":0, "meridian":"PM"}, "to":{"hours":5, "minutes":0, "meridian":"PM"}}]}], "location":"Thessaloniki, Greece", "marker":{"coords":{"latitude":40.6400629, "longitude":22.9444191}}}
{"title":"My Event", "bundleTitle":"My Bundle title", "description":"This is the description of my Event", "customCalMessage":"This is a custom iCal description", "timeOffset":-6, "visible":true, "curriculumId":116, "partOfCurriculum":false, "passingScore":90, "based":2, "autoApproved":true, "attendees":33, "blockReservations":true, "registrationDeadline":2, "autoArchive":false, "externalInstructors":[{"name":"Name of External Instructor 1"}, {"name":"Name of External Instructor 2"}], "schooxInstructors":[{"id":123456789, "isPrimary":true}, {"id":987654321, "isPrimary":false}], "days":[{"topic":"Topic for Day 1 of the Event", "date":"12/19/2022", "from":{"hours":9, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}, "to":{"hours":5, "minutes":0, "meridian":"PM"}, "segments":[{"title":"Topic for Segment 1 of Day 1", "date":"12/19/2022", "from":{"hours":9, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}, "to":{"hours":11, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}}, {"title":"Topic for Segment 2 of Day 1", "date":"12/19/2022", "from":{"hours":3, "minutes":0, "meridian":"PM"}, "to":{"hours":5, "minutes":0, "meridian":"PM"}}]}], "venue":5, "venueSeats":50}
Response Object
{"id":1041, "picture":"", "status":"Upcoming", "categoryId":-1, "category":"Without Category", "visible":true, "active":true, "archived":false, "deleted":false, "canceled":false, "upcoming":true, "inProgress":false, "completed":false, "eventStartDate":"2023-08-22 06:00:00 UTC", "eventEndDate":"2023-08-22 14:00:00 UTC", "durationMinutes":480, "title":"My Event", "bundleTitle":"", "description":"Description", "timeOffset":"+02", "registrationDeadline":0, "sessions":[{"topic":"Topic of Day 1", "date":"08/22/2023", "from":"09:00 AM", "to":"05:00 PM", "fromTimestamp":1692684000, "toTimestamp":1692712800, "upcoming":1, "inProgress":0, "completed":0, "segments":[{"title":"Topic of Segment 1 of Day 1", "from":"09:00 AM", "to":"05:00 PM", "fromTimestamp":1692684000, "toTimestamp":1692712800, "upcoming":1, "inProgress":0, "completed":0}]}], "registrationBased":true, "invitationBased":false, "autoApproved":false, "canMulti":1, "canMultiReadable": "Users can attend multiple Offers", "retakeEvery":0, "maxAttendees":20, "seatsAvailable":20, "maxed":false, "blockReservations":false, "autoArchive":false, "courseConnected":442, "partOfCourse":false, "curriculumConnected":0, "partOfCurriculum":false, "passingScore":0, "externalInstructors": ["Name of external Instructor 1", "Name of external Instructor 2" ], "schooxInstructors": [ "1909641216", "1609175682", "571874720" ], "attendeesYes":5, "attendeesPending":0, "registered":5, "cancelled":0, "waitlisted":0, "venueId":0, "coordinates":"{\"latitude\":\"37.9838096\",\"longitude\":\"23.7275388\"}", "address":"Athens, Greece", "city":"Athens"}
Edit an In-Class-Training Event
Edits an existing In-Class-Training Event. All dates are in MM/DD/YY format.
PUT /events/ilt/:eventid
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
Request Object Schema
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
title | The title for your Event | Yes | String | My Event |
description | A custom description for your Event. | Yes | String | This is the description of my Event |
timeOffset | The offset for the timezone of your Event. For your preferred value, please refer to the API end-point "Content" > "List of Timezones". | Yes | Integer or float | 6.5 |
registrationDeadline | How many hours before the Event the Users can register. | Yes | Integer | 2 |
days | A JSON array which holds the information of the schedule of your Event, with parameters: "topic", "date", "from" and "to", for each day, and the Segment(s), per day. | Yes | JSON array | [ { "topic": "Topic for Day 1 of the Event", "date": "12/19/2022", "from": { "hours": 9, "minutes": 0, "meridian": "AM" }, "to": { "hours": 5, "minutes": 0, "meridian": "PM" }, "segments": [ { "title": "Topic for Segment 1 of Day 1", "date": "12/19/2022", "from": { "hours": 9, "minutes": 0, "meridian": "AM" }, "to": { "hours": 11, "minutes": 0, "meridian": "AM" } }, { "title": "Topic for Segment 2 of Day 1", "date": "12/19/2022", "from": { "hours": 3, "minutes": 0, "meridian": "PM" }, "to": { "hours": 5, "minutes": 0, "meridian": "PM" } } ] } ] |
autoApproved | If set to "true", then whoever registers will automatically be accepted. Applies only to (and is required for) registration-based Events. | No | Boolean | true |
attendees | Maximum number of attendees for your Event. Applies only to (and is required for) registration-based Events. Default to 20. | No | Integer | 50 |
blockReservations | Enables or disables the Waiting List. Applies only to (and is required for) registration-based Events. | No | Boolean | false |
bundleTitle | A custom title for the Event Bundle, in case it may include, in the future, additional Offers. | No | String | My Bundle title |
visible | Set the Event as visible or non-visible. Default to non-visible. If already set to visible, it cannot be changed to non-visible. | No | Boolean | true |
categoryId | The Category ID of the Event. Is required only for a non-connected Event; in this case, you should use an Academy Category ID. For a Course-connected Event, you can use the ID of one of the Course Categories, or omit this parameter to auto-assign the 1st Category of the Course. For a Curriculum-connected Event, you can use the Category ID of the Curriculum, or omit this parameter to auto-assign the Category of the Curriculum. | No | Integer | 11 |
partOfCourse | Indicates if your Event will be required for Course completion. Is required, if your Event is already Course-connected. Default to "false". | No | Boolean | true |
partOfCurriculum | Indicates if your Event will be required for Curriculum completion. Is required, if your Event is already Curriculum-connected. Default to "false". | No | Boolean | true |
passingScore | The passing score required for this Event to be marked as "completed" for a User. Applies only to (and is required for) Course-connected Events which are required for Course completion, or to Curriculum-connected Events which are required for Curriculum completion. Default to 0. | No | Integer | 80 |
customCalMessage | A custom description for the iCal file of your Event. | No | String | This is a custom iCal description |
autoArchive | Automatically archive the Event once completed. | No | Boolean | true |
externalInstructors | A JSON array, including the names of the External Instructors. If no External Instructors are provided,, the existing External Instructors list will be cleared. | No | JSON array | [ { "name": "Name of External Instructor 1" }, { "name": "Name of External Instructor 2" } ] |
schooxInstructors | A JSON array, including the user IDs of the Schoox Instructors, and if they are a Primary Instructor for the Event. You can optionally set one of them as the Primary Instructor. If no Schoox Instructors are provided, then the Super Admin of the Academy will be added as the Primary Instructor of the Event, replacing any existing Instructors. | No | JSON array | [ { "id": 123456789, "isPrimary": true }, { "id": 987654321, "isPrimary": false } ] |
venue | The ID of the Venue where your Event will take place at. You must provide either a Venue or a location. You can use this, instead of a map location. For your preferred value, please refer to the API end-point "Content" > "List of Venues". | No | Integer | 11 |
venueSeats | The available number of seats for the selected Venue. Is required, if you provide a Venue. For your preferred value, please refer to the API end-point "Content" > "List of Venues". | No | Integer | 50 |
location | The name of a city / area / location, discoverable in Google Maps. Is required, if you do not provide a Venue. | No | String | Thessaloniki, Greece |
marker | The marker data for your custom Event location. Is required, if you do not provide a Venue and provide a location instead. | No | JSON object | { "coords": { "latitude": 40.6400629, "longitude": 22.9444191 } } |
Example Request
Request Object
{"visible":true, "categoryId":4, "title":"My Event", "bundleTitle":"My Bundle title", "description":"This is the description of my Event", "customCalMessage":"This is a custom iCal description", "timeOffset":-6, "autoApproved":true, "attendees":33, "blockReservations":true, "passingScore":90, "registrationDeadline":2, "autoArchive":false, "externalInstructors":[{"name":"Name of External Instructor"}, {"name":"Name of External Instructor"}], "schooxInstructors":[{"id":123456789, "isPrimary":false}, {"id":987654321, "isPrimary":true}], "days":[{"topic":"Topic for Day 1 of the Event", "date":"12/19/2022", "from":{"hours":9, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}, "to":{"hours":5, "minutes":0, "meridian":"PM"}, "segments":[{"title":"Topic for Segment 1 of Day 1", "date":"12/19/2022", "from":{"hours":9, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}, "to":{"hours":11, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}}, {"title":"Topic for Segment 2 of Day 11", "date":"12/19/2022", "from":{"hours":3, "minutes":0, "meridian":"PM"}, "to":{"hours":5, "minutes":0, "meridian":"PM"}}]}], "location":"Athens, Greece", "marker":{"coords":{"latitude":45.6400629, "longitude":26.9444191}}}
Response Object
{"id":705392, "picture":"", "status":"Upcoming", "categoryId":-1, "category":"Without Category", "visible":true, "active":true, "archived":false, "deleted":false, "canceled":false, "upcoming":true, "inProgress":false, "completed":false, "eventStartDate":"2023-08-22 06:00:00 UTC", "eventEndDate":"2023-08-22 14:00:00 UTC", "durationMinutes":480, "title":"My Event", "bundleTitle":"", "description":"Description", "timeOffset":"+02", "registrationDeadline":0, "sessions":[{"topic":"Topic of Day 1", "date":"08/22/2023", "from":"09:00 AM", "to":"05:00 PM", "fromTimestamp":1692684000, "toTimestamp":1692712800, "upcoming":1, "inProgress":0, "completed":0, "segments":[{"title":"Topic of Segment 1 of Day 1", "from":"09:00 AM", "to":"05:00 PM", "fromTimestamp":1692684000, "toTimestamp":1692712800, "upcoming":1, "inProgress":0, "completed":0}]}], "registrationBased":true, "invitationBased":false, "autoApproved":false, "canMulti":1, "canMultiReadable": "Users can attend multiple Offers", "retakeEvery":0, "maxAttendees":20, "seatsAvailable":20, "maxed":false, "blockReservations":false, "autoArchive":false, "courseConnected":442, "partOfCourse":false, "curriculumConnected":0, "partOfCurriculum":false, "passingScore":0, "externalInstructors": ["Name of external Instructor 1", "Name of external Instructor 2" ], "schooxInstructors": [ "1909641216", "1609175682", "571874720" ], "attendeesYes":5, "attendeesPending":0, "registered":5, "cancelled":0, "waitlisted":0, "venueId":0, "coordinates":"{\"latitude\":\"37.9838096\",\"longitude\":\"23.7275388\"}", "address":"Athens, Greece", "city":"Athens"}
Delete an In-Class-Training Event
Deletes an existing In-Class-Training Event. No Request Object is required.
DELETE /events/ilt/:eventid
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
Example Request
Response Object
{ "status": 0, "message": "The Event was successfully deleted." }
Convert an In-Class-Training Event to a Bundle
Converts an In-Class-Training Event to an Offers Bundle, and adds Offers as custom repetition dates. Only registration-based Events can be converted to a Bundle. All dates are in MM/DD/YY format.
PUT /events/ilt/:eventid/convertToBundle
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
Request Object Schema
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
canMulti | Possible values: 1) Users can attend multiple Event Offers: "yes". 2) Users can attend only one Event Offer: "no". 3) Users must attend all Event Offers: "all". | Yes | String | yes |
mustRetake | Required only if canMulti = yes. This is the setting for the user to re-attend the Event every X months. | No | Boolean | true |
retakeEvery | Required only if mustRetake = true. This sets every how many months the user must re-attend the Event. | No | Integer | 2 |
customOffers | A JSON array, holding the dates in which you want this Event to be repeated, in mm/dd/YYYY format. | Yes | JSON array | [ {"date":"04/14/2022"}, {"date":"04/15/2022"} ] |
Example Request
Request Object
{"canMulti":"yes", "mustRetake":true, "attendEvery":2, "customOffers":[ {"date":"04/14/2022"}, {"date":"04/15/2022"} ] }
Response Object
{"status":0, "lastEvent":"Date of the last Event: Apr 15, 2022", "addedOffers": [ "04/14/2022", "04/15/2022" ], "message":"2 Events added to Bundle."}
Add more Offers to a Bundle of In-Class-Training Events
Incrementally add custom repetition dates (Offers) to an In-Class Training Event which has already been converted to a Bundle. Only registration-based Events can have new Offers added. All dates are in MM/DD/YY format. The maximum Offers you may add per API Request are 60. The total maximum Offers an Event may have are 6000.
PUT /events/ilt/:eventid/addOffers
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
Request Object Schema
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
customOffers | A JSON array, holding the dates in which you want this Event to be repeated, in mm/dd/YYYY format. | Yes | JSON array | [ {"date":"04/14/2022"}, {"date":"04/15/2022"} ] |
Example Request
Request Object
{"customOffers":[ {"date":"04/14/2022"}, {"date":"04/15/2022"} ] }
Response Object
{"status":0, "lastEvent":"Date of the last Event: Apr 15, 2022", "addedOffers": [ "04/14/2022", "04/15/2022" ], "message":"2 Events added to Bundle."}
Get a List of Virtual Classroom Events
Returns a list of Virtual Classroom Events for a specific date range.
GET /events/vc
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
dateStart | Start date for the events | No | Date | 2015-03-07 |
dateEnd | End date for the events | No | Date | 2015-03-08 |
start | Starting Position | No | Integer | 0 |
limit | Number of events to return per request. Default to 20 | No | Integer | 100 |
status | VC Event status. Available values "active", "archived", "canceled". Default is "active". | No | String | archived |
Example Request
Response Object
Response Object
{"all":471, "events":[{"id":62, "title":"Event 1", "attendeesNr":0, "description":"Description", "categoryIds": [ 4 ], "category": "Customer Service", "status":"Completed", "local_start_date":"2021-04-19 09:00:00 EEST", "local_end_date":"2021-04-19 17:00:00 EEST", "event_start_date":"2021-04-19 06:00:00 UTC", "event_end_date":"2021-04-19 14:00:00 UTC", "timezone":"(GMT+02:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk", "duration":480, "attendees_yes":0, "attendees_pending":0, "registered":0, "completed":0, "absent":0, "cancelled":0, "waitlisted":0, "available_seats":20, "curriculum_connected":1, "course_connected":0, "attendance_duration":0},{"id":63, "title":"Event 2", "attendeesNr":0, "description":"Description", "status":"Completed", "local_start_date":"2021-04-19 09:00:00 EEST", "local_end_date":"2021-04-19 17:00:00 EEST", "event_start_date":"2021-04-19 06:00:00 UTC", "event_end_date":"2021-04-19 14:00:00 UTC", "timezone":"(GMT+02:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk", "duration":480, "attendees_yes":0, "attendees_pending":0, "registered":0, "completed":0, "absent":0, "cancelled":0, "waitlisted":0, "available_seats":20, "curriculum_connected":1, "course_connected":0, "category":"Customer Service", "attendance_duration":0}]}
Get Details of a Virtual Classroom Event
Returns the details of a specific Virtual Classroom Event.
GET /events/vc/:eventid
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
Example Request
Response Object
{"id":149104,"picture":"https:\/\/\/theme\/schoox\/images\/academies\/live_session.jpg","status":"Completed","categoryIds":[-1],"category":"Without Category","visible":true,"active":true,"archived":false,"deleted":false,"canceled":false,"upcoming":false,"inProgress":false,"completed":true,"eventStartDate":"2021-12-31 07:00:00 UTC","eventEndDate":"2021-12-31 15:00:00 UTC","durationMinutes":480,"title":"Virtual Class 1","bundleTitle":"","description":"Virtual Class\n","timeOffset":"+02","registrationDeadline":1,"sessions":[{"date":"12\/31\/2021","from":"09:00 AM","to":"05:00 PM","fromTimestamp":1640934000,"toTimestamp":1640962800,"upcoming":0,"inProgress":0,"completed":1}],"registrationBased":true,"invitationBased":false,"autoApproved":false,"canMulti":0,"canMultiReadable":"This Event has no repetition rules.","retakeEvery":0,"maxAttendees":20,"seatsAvailable":20,"maxed":false,"blockReservations":false,"autoArchive":false,"courseConnected":0,"partOfCourse":false,"curriculumConnected":0,"partOfCurriculum":false,"externalInstructors":[""],"schooxInstructors":[],"attendeesYes":0,"attendeesPending":0,"registered":0,"cancelled":0,"waitlisted":0,"completionPercentage":80,"clientActivation":false,"clientSessions":""}
Response Object
{"id":149104, "picture":"", "status":"Completed", "categoryIds": [ 4 ], "category": "Customer Service", "visible":true, "active":true, "archived":false, "deleted":false, "canceled":false, "upcoming":false, "inProgress":false, "completed":true, "eventStartDate":"2021-12-11 16:24:34 UTC", "eventEndDate":"2021-12-11 18:24:34 UTC", "durationMinutes":480, "title":"My Event", "bundleTitle":"", "description":"Description", "timeOffset":"+02", "registrationDeadline":1, "sessions":[{"date":"11/18/2021", "from":"09:00 AM", "to":"05:00 PM", "fromTimestamp":1637218800, "toTimestamp":1637247600, "upcoming":0, "inProgress":0, "completed":1}], "registrationBased":true, "invitationBased":false, "autoApproved":false, "canMulti":1, "canMultiReadable": "Users can attend multiple Offers", "retakeEvery":0, "maxAttendees":20, "seatsAvailable":20, "maxed":false, "blockReservations":false, "autoArchive":false, "courseConnected":354, "partOfCourse":true, "curriculumConnected":0, "partOfCurriculum":false, "passingScore":80, "externalInstructors": ["Name of external Instructor 1", "Name of external Instructor 2" ], "schooxInstructors": [ "1909641216", "1609175682", "571874720" ], "attendeesYes":7, "attendeesPending":0, "registered":0, "cancelled":0, "waitlisted":0, "clientActivation":false, "clientSessions":""}
Get a List of the Offers of a Virtual Classroom Event
Returns the bundled Offers of a Virtual Classroom Event. In case the Event is not already converted to multiple Offers or in case it does not contain any, it returns only the main Event.
GET /events/vc/:eventid/offers
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
start | Starting Position | No | Integer | 0 |
limit | Number of Offers to return per request, up to maximum of 20. Default to 20 | No | Integer | 20 |
search | Filters Offers by their name. | No | String | Search Text |
Example Request
Response Object
[{"id":149104,"picture":"https:\/\/\/theme\/schoox\/images\/academies\/live_session.jpg","status":"Completed","categoryIds":[-1],"category":"Without Category","visible":true,"active":true,"archived":false,"deleted":false,"canceled":false,"upcoming":false,"inProgress":false,"completed":true,"eventStartDate":"2021-12-31 07:00:00 UTC","eventEndDate":"2021-12-31 15:00:00 UTC","durationMinutes":480,"title":"Virtual Class 1","bundleTitle":"","description":"Virtual Class\n","timeOffset":"+02","registrationDeadline":1,"sessions":[{"date":"12\/31\/2021","from":"09:00 AM","to":"05:00 PM","fromTimestamp":1640934000,"toTimestamp":1640962800,"upcoming":0,"inProgress":0,"completed":1}],"registrationBased":true,"invitationBased":false,"autoApproved":false,"canMulti":0,"canMultiReadable":"This Event has no repetition rules.","retakeEvery":0,"maxAttendees":20,"seatsAvailable":20,"maxed":false,"blockReservations":false,"autoArchive":false,"courseConnected":0,"partOfCourse":false,"curriculumConnected":0,"partOfCurriculum":false,"externalInstructors":[""],"schooxInstructors":[],"attendeesYes":0,"attendeesPending":0,"registered":0,"cancelled":0,"waitlisted":0,"completionPercentage":80,"clientActivation":false,"clientSessions":""}]
Response Object
[{"id":149104, "picture":"", "status":"Completed", "categoryIds": [ 4 ], "visible":true, "active":true, "archived":false, "deleted":false, "canceled":false, "upcoming":false, "inProgress":false, "completed":true, "eventStartDate":"2022-04-13 17:49:02 UTC", "eventEndDate":"2022-04-13 18:49:02 UTC", "durationMinutes":60, "title":"My Event 1", "bundleTitle":"", "description":"Description", "timeOffset":"+02", "registrationDeadline":1, "sessions":[{"date":"04/13/2022", "from":"05:49 PM", "to":"06:49 PM", "fromTimestamp":1646031600, "toTimestamp":1646071200, "upcoming":0, "inProgress":0, "completed":1}], "registrationBased":true, "invitationBased":false, "autoApproved":false, "canMulti":1, "canMultiReadable": "Users can attend multiple Offers", "retakeEvery":0, "maxAttendees":20, "seatsAvailable":12, "maxed":false, "blockReservations":false, "autoArchive":false, "courseConnected":345, "partOfCourse":true, "curriculumConnected":0, "partOfCurriculum":false, "passingScore":80, "externalInstructors": ["Name of external Instructor 1", "Name of external Instructor 2" ], "schooxInstructors": [ "1909641216", "1609175682", "571874720" ], "attendeesYes":8, "attendeesPending":0, "registered":8, "cancelled":0, "waitlisted":0, "clientActivation":true, "clientSessions":""},{"id":481, "picture":"", "status":"Completed", "categoryId":-1, "category":"Without Category", "visible":true, "active":true, "archived":false, "deleted":false, "canceled":false, "upcoming":true, "inProgress":false, "completed":false, "eventStartDate":"2022-04-14 17:49:02 UTC", "eventEndDate":"2022-04-14 18:49:02 UTC", "durationMinutes":60, "title":"My Event 2", "bundleTitle":"", "description":"Description", "timeOffset":"+02", "registrationDeadline":1, "sessions":[{"date":"04/14/2022", "from":"05:49 PM", "to":"06:49 PM", "fromTimestamp":1646031600, "toTimestamp":1646071200, "upcoming":0, "inProgress":0, "completed":1}], "registrationBased":true, "invitationBased":false, "autoApproved":false, "canMulti":0, "canMultiReadable": "Users can attend multiple Offers", "retakeEvery":0, "maxAttendees":20, "seatsAvailable":12, "maxed":false, "blockReservations":false, "autoArchive":false, "courseConnected":345, "partOfCourse":true, "curriculumConnected":0, "partOfCurriculum":false, "passingScore":80, "externalInstructors": ["Name of external Instructor 1", "Name of external Instructor 2" ], "schooxInstructors": [ "1909641216", "1609175682", "571874720" ], "attendeesYes":8, "attendeesPending":0, "registered":8, "cancelled":0, "waitlisted":0, "clientActivation":false, "clientSessions":""}]
Get a List of Virtual Classroom Event's Participants & Instructors
Returns a list of Event's registrants.
GET /events/vc/:eventid/users
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
start | Starting Position | No | Integer | 0 |
limit | Number of Users to return per request, up to maximum of 100. Default to 20 | No | Integer | 20 |
onlyCompleted | Return only the Users who have completed the Event. Using this filter, will additionally return the Event Certificate date, per User. | No | Boolean | true |
Example Request
Response Object
{"title":"Virtual Class 1","start_date":"2021-12-31T07:00:00+00:00","end_date":"2021-12-31T15:00:00+00:00","users_count":0,"instructors":[],"users":[]}
Response Object
{"title":"My Event", "start_date":"2022-04-13T17:49:02+00:00", "end_date":"2022-04-13T18:49:02+00:00", "users_count":2, "instructors":[{"id":623318285, "firstname":"Name", "preferred_name":null, "lastname":"Surname", "email":""},{"id":1609175682, "firstname":"Name", "preferred_name":null, "lastname":"Surname", "email":""}], "users":[{"id":123456789, "firstname":"Name", "preferred_name":null, "lastname":"Surname", "email":"", "approved":"Yes"},{"id":1909612345, "firstname":"Name", "preferred_name":null, "lastname":"Surname", "email":"", "approved":"Yes"}]}
Get a List of Attendance data of the Users of a Virtual Classroom Event
Returns the attendance data of the Users of a Virtual Classroom Event.
GET /events/vc/:eventid/users-attendance-data
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
start | Starting Position | No | Integer | 0 |
limit | Number of Users to return per request, up to maximum of 20. Default to 20 | No | Integer | 20 |
search | Filters Users by their name. | No | String | Search Text |
Example Request
Response Object
Response Object
{"usersAttendanceData":[{"userId":1123455674, "firstname":"Name", "preferred_name":null, "lastname":"Surname", "email":"", "timeSpentInMinutes":45}, {"userId":1123455674, "firstname":"Name", "preferred_name":null, "lastname":"Surname", "email":"", "timeSpentInMinutes":41}]}
Add a New Virtual Classroom Event
Creates a new Virtual Classroom Event. All dates are in MM/DD/YY format.
POST /events/vc
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
Request Object Schema
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
title | The title for your Event | Yes | String | My Event |
description | A custom description for your Event. | Yes | String | This is the description of my Event |
timeOffset | The offset for the timezone of your Event. For your preferred value, please refer to the API end-point "Content" > "List of Timezones". | Yes | Integer or float | 6.5 |
registrationDeadline | How many hours before the Event the Users can register. | Yes | Integer | 2 |
sessions | A JSON array which holds the information of the schedule of your Event, with parameters: "topic", "date", "from" and "to", for each day. | Yes | JSON array | [ {"topic":"Topic for Day 1 of the Event", "date":"12/19/2022", "from":{"hours":9, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}, "to":{"hours":5, "minutes":0, "meridian":"PM"}}, {"topic":"Topic for Day 2 of the Event", "date":"12/21/2022", "from":{"hours":9, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}, "to":{"hours":5, "minutes":0, "meridian":"PM"} } ] |
based | 1 for invitation-based, 2 for registration-based. Cannot be changed when editing the details of an Event. In case of Course-connected or Curriculum-connected Event, it can only have the value "2" (registration-based). | Yes | Integer | 1 |
autoApproved | If set to "true", then whoever registers will automatically be accepted. Applies only to (and is required for) registration-based Events. | No | Boolean | true |
attendees | Maximum number of attendees for your Event. Applies only to (and is required for) registration-based Events. Default to 20. | No | Integer | 50 |
blockReservations | Enables or disables the Waiting List. Applies only to (and is required for) registration-based Events. | No | Boolean | false |
bundleTitle | A custom title for the Event Bundle, in case it may include, in the future, additional Offers. | No | String | My Bundle title |
visible | Set the Event as visible or non-visible. Default to non-visible. | No | Boolean | true |
categoryId | The Category ID of the Event. Is required only for a non-connected Event; in this case, you should use an Academy Category ID. For a Course-connected Event, you can use the ID of one of the Course Categories, or omit this parameter to auto-assign the 1st Category of the Course. For a Curriculum-connected Event, you can use the Category ID of the Curriculum, or omit this parameter to auto-assign the Category of the Curriculum. | No | Integer | 11 |
courseId | The Course ID to connect the Event to. Cannot be changed when editing the details of an Event. | No | Integer | 301 |
partOfCourse | Indicates if your Event will be required for Course completion. Applies only to (and is required for) Course-connected Events. Default to "false". | No | Boolean | true |
curriculumId | The Curriculum ID to connect the Event to. Cannot be changed when editing the details of an Event. You can only connect the Event to either a Course or to a Curriculum. If you use both, then it will be connected to the Course. | No | Integer | 301 |
partOfCurriculum | Indicates if your Event will be required for Curriculum completion. Applies only to (and is required for) Curriculum-connected Events. Default to "false". | No | Boolean | true |
completionPercentage | The completion percentage required for this Event to be marked as "completed" for a User. Applies only to (and is required for) Course-connected Events which are required for Course completion, or to Curriculum-connected Events which are required for Curriculum completion. Default to 80. | No | Integer | 80 |
customCalMessage | A custom description for the iCal file of your Event. | No | String | This is a custom iCal description |
autoArchive | Automatically archive the Event once completed. | No | Boolean | true |
externalInstructors | A JSON array, including the names of the External Instructors. | No | JSON array | [ { "name": "Name of External Instructor 1" }, { "name": "Name of External Instructor 2" } ] |
schooxInstructors | A JSON array, including the user IDs of the Schoox Instructors, and if they are a Primary Instructor for the Event. You can optionally set one of them as the Primary Instructor. If no Schoox Instructors are provided, then the Super Admin of the Academy will be added as the Primary Instructor of the Event. | No | JSON array | [ { "id": 123456789, "isPrimary": true }, { "id": 987654321, "isPrimary": false } ] |
Example Request
Request Object
{"title":"My Event", "bundleTitle":"My Bundle title", "description":"This is the description of my Event", "customCalMessage":"This is a custom iCal description", "timeOffset":-6, "visible":true, "courseId":354, "partOfCourse":true, "completionPercentage":90, "based":2, "autoApproved":true, "attendees":33, "blockReservations":true, "registrationDeadline":2, "autoArchive":false, "externalInstructors":[{"name":"Name of External Instructor 1"}, {"name":"ame of External Instructor 2"}], "schooxInstructors":[{"id":123456789, "isPrimary":true}, {"id":987654321, "isPrimary":false}], "sessions":[{"topic":"Topic for Day 1 of the Event", "date":"12/19/2022", "from":{"hours":9, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}, "to":{"hours":10, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}}, {"topic":"Topic for Day 2 of the Event", "date":"12/20/2022", "from":{"hours":9, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}, "to":{"hours":10, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}}]}
Response Object
{"id":408, "picture":"", "status":"Completed", "categoryId":-1, "category":"Without Category", "visible":true, "active":true, "archived":false, "deleted":false, "canceled":false, "upcoming":false, "inProgress":false, "completed":true, "eventStartDate":"2021-12-11 16:24:34 UTC", "eventEndDate":"2021-12-11 18:24:34 UTC", "durationMinutes":480, "title":"My Event", "bundleTitle":"", "description":"Description", "timeOffset":"+02", "registrationDeadline":1, "sessions":[{"date":"11/18/2021", "from":"09:00 AM", "to":"05:00 PM", "fromTimestamp":1637218800, "toTimestamp":1637247600, "upcoming":0, "inProgress":0, "completed":1}], "registrationBased":true, "invitationBased":false, "autoApproved":false, "canMulti":1, "canMultiReadable": "Users can attend multiple Offers", "retakeEvery":0, "maxAttendees":20, "seatsAvailable":20, "maxed":false, "blockReservations":false, "autoArchive":false, "courseConnected":354, "partOfCourse":true, "curriculumConnected":0, "partOfCurriculum":false, "completionPercentage":80, "externalInstructors": ["Name of external Instructor 1", "Name of external Instructor 2" ], "schooxInstructors": [ "1909641216", "1609175682", "571874720" ], "attendeesYes":7, "attendeesPending":0, "registered":0, "cancelled":0, "waitlisted":0, "clientActivation":false, "clientSessions":""}
Edit a Virtual Classroom Event
Edits an existing Virtual Classroom Event. All dates are in MM/DD/YY format.
PUT /events/vc/:eventid
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
Request Object Schema
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
title | The title for your Event | Yes | String | My Event |
description | A custom description for your Event. | Yes | String | This is the description of my Event |
timeOffset | The offset for the timezone of your Event. For your preferred value, please refer to the API end-point "Content" > "List of Timezones". | Yes | Integer or float | 6.5 |
registrationDeadline | How many hours before the Event the Users can register. | Yes | Integer | 2 |
sessions | A JSON array which holds the information of the schedule of your Event, with parameters: "topic", "date", "from" and "to", for each day. | Yes | JSON array | [ {"topic":"Topic for Day 1 of the Event", "date":"12/19/2022", "from":{"hours":9, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}, "to":{"hours":5, "minutes":0, "meridian":"PM"}}, {"topic":"Topic for Day 2 of the Event", "date":"12/21/2022", "from":{"hours":9, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}, "to":{"hours":5, "minutes":0, "meridian":"PM"} } ] |
autoApproved | If set to "true", then whoever registers will automatically be accepted. Applies only to (and is required for) registration-based Events. | No | Boolean | true |
attendees | Maximum number of attendees for your Event. Applies only to (and is required for) registration-based Events. Default to 20. | No | Integer | 50 |
blockReservations | Enables or disables the Waiting List. Applies only to (and is required for) registration-based Events. | No | Boolean | false |
bundleTitle | A custom title for the Event Bundle, in case it may include, in the future, additional Offers. | No | String | My Bundle title |
visible | Set the Event as visible or non-visible. Default to non-visible. If already set to visible, it cannot be changed to non-visible. | No | Boolean | true |
categoryId | The Category ID of the Event. Is required only for a non-connected Event; in this case, you should use an Academy Category ID. For a Course-connected Event, you can use the ID of one of the Course Categories, or omit this parameter to auto-assign the 1st Category of the Course. For a Curriculum-connected Event, you can use the Category ID of the Curriculum, or omit this parameter to auto-assign the Category of the Curriculum. | No | Integer | 11 |
partOfCourse | Indicates if your Event will be required for Course completion. Is required, if your Event is already Course-connected. Default to "false". | No | Boolean | true |
partOfCurriculum | Indicates if your Event will be required for Curriculum completion. Is required, if your Event is already Curriculum-connected. Default to "false". | No | Boolean | true |
completionPercentage | The completion percentage required for this Event to be marked as "completed" for a User. Applies only to (and is required for) Course-connected Events which are required for Course completion, or to Curriculum-connected Events which are required for Curriculum completion. Default to 80. | No | Integer | 80 |
customCalMessage | A custom description for the iCal file of your Event. | No | String | This is a custom iCal description |
autoArchive | Automatically archive the Event once completed. | No | Boolean | true |
externalInstructors | A JSON array, including the names of the External Instructors. If no External Instructors are provided,, the existing External Instructors list will be cleared. | No | JSON array | [ { "name": "Name of External Instructor 1" }, { "name": "Name of External Instructor 2" } ] |
schooxInstructors | A JSON array, including the user IDs of the Schoox Instructors, and if they are a Primary Instructor for the Event. You can optionally set one of them as the Primary Instructor. If no Schoox Instructors are provided, then the Super Admin of the Academy will be added as the Primary Instructor of the Event, replacing any existing Instructors. | No | JSON array | [ { "id": 123456789, "isPrimary": true }, { "id": 987654321, "isPrimary": false } ] |
Example Request
Request Object
{"visible":true, "categoryId":4, "title":"My Event", "bundleTitle":"My Bundle title", "description":"This is the description of my Event", "customCalMessage":"This is a custom iCal description", "timeOffset":-6, "autoApproved":true, "attendees":33, "blockReservations":true, "completionPercentage":90, "registrationDeadline":2, "autoArchive":false, "externalInstructors":[{"name":"Name of External Instructor"}, {"name":"Name of External Instructor"}], "schooxInstructors":[{"id":123456789, "isPrimary":false}, {"id":987654321, "isPrimary":true}], "sessions":[{"topic":"Topic for Day 1 of the Event", "date":"12/19/2022", "from":{"hours":9, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}, "to":{"hours":5, "minutes":0, "meridian":"PM"}}, {"topic":"Topic for Day 2 of the Event", "date":"12/21/2022", "from":{"hours":9, "minutes":0, "meridian":"AM"}, "to":{"hours":5, "minutes":0, "meridian":"PM"} } ] }
Response Object
{"id":149104, "picture":"", "status":"Completed", "categoryId":-1, "category":"Without Category", "visible":true, "active":true, "archived":false, "deleted":false, "canceled":false, "upcoming":false, "inProgress":false, "completed":true, "eventStartDate":"2021-12-11 16:24:34 UTC", "eventEndDate":"2021-12-11 18:24:34 UTC", "durationMinutes":480, "title":"My Event", "bundleTitle":"", "description":"Description", "timeOffset":"+02", "registrationDeadline":1, "sessions":[{"date":"11/18/2021", "from":"09:00 AM", "to":"05:00 PM", "fromTimestamp":1637218800, "toTimestamp":1637247600, "upcoming":0, "inProgress":0, "completed":1}], "registrationBased":true, "invitationBased":false, "autoApproved":false, "canMulti":1, "canMultiReadable": "Users can attend multiple Offers", "retakeEvery":0, "maxAttendees":20, "seatsAvailable":20, "maxed":false, "blockReservations":false, "autoArchive":false, "courseConnected":354, "partOfCourse":true, "curriculumConnected":0, "partOfCurriculum":false, "completionPercentage":80, "externalInstructors": ["Name of external Instructor 1", "Name of external Instructor 2" ], "schooxInstructors": [ "1909641216", "1609175682", "571874720" ], "attendeesYes":7, "attendeesPending":0, "registered":0, "cancelled":0, "waitlisted":0, "clientActivation":false, "clientSessions":""}
Delete a Virtual Classroom Event
Deletes an existing Virtual Classroom Event. No Request Object is required.
DELETE /events/vc/:eventid
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
Example Request
Response Object
{ "status": 0, "message": "The Event was successfully deleted." }
Convert a Virtual Classroom Event to a Bundle
Converts a Virtual Classroom Event to an Offers Bundle, and adds Offers as custom repetition dates. Only registration-based Events can be converted to a Bundle. All dates are in MM/DD/YY format.
PUT /events/vc/:eventid/convertToBundle
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
Request Object Schema
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
canMulti | Possible values: 1) Users can attend multiple Event Offers: "yes". 2) Users can attend only one Event Offer: "no". 3) Users must attend all Event Offers: "all". | Yes | String | yes |
mustRetake | Required only if canMulti = yes. This is the setting for the user to re-attend the Event every X months. | No | Boolean | true |
retakeEvery | Required only if mustRetake = true. This sets every how many months the user must re-attend the Event. | No | Integer | 2 |
customOffers | A JSON array, holding the dates in which you want this Event to be repeated, in mm/dd/YYYY format. | Yes | JSON array | [ {"date":"04/14/2022"}, {"date":"04/15/2022"} ] |
Example Request
Request Object
{"canMulti":"yes", "mustRetake":true, "attendEvery":2, "customOffers":[ {"date":"04/14/2022"}, {"date":"04/15/2022"} ] }
Response Object
{"status":0, "lastEvent":"Date of the last Event: Apr 15, 2022", "addedOffers": [ "04/14/2022", "04/15/2022" ], "message":"2 Events added to Bundle."}
Add more Offers to a Bundle of Virtual Classroom Events
Incrementally add custom repetition dates (Offers) to a Virtual Classroom Event which has already been converted to a Bundle. Only registration-based Events can have new Offers added. All dates are in MM/DD/YY format. The maximum Offers you may add per API Request are 60. The total maximum Offers an Event may have are 6000.
PUT /events/vc/:eventid/addOffers
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
acadId | Your academy ID | Yes | Integer | 226581108 |
apikey | Your academy's API key | Yes | String | 9d3419535b0c8d76f7f6f72800f62f92 |
Request Object Schema
Name | Description | Required | Type | Sample Value |
customOffers | A JSON array, holding the dates in which you want this Event to be repeated, in mm/dd/YYYY format. | Yes | JSON array | [ {"date":"04/14/2022"}, {"date":"04/15/2022"} ] |
Example Request
Request Object
{"customOffers":[ {"date":"04/14/2022"}, {"date":"04/15/2022"} ] }
Response Object
{"status":0, "lastEvent":"Date of the last Event: Apr 15, 2022", "addedOffers": [ "04/14/2022", "04/15/2022" ], "message":"2 Events added to Bundle."}