17 April 2018

Mistakes are hard to avoid-especially in this new age of digital innovation, where everything that we thought we knew has become new, fresh, and mandatory online.
This is why every company has a human error factor in each of their initiatives.
Although, when creating eLearning content, much like many other factors of running a company, there are some mistakes that should never be acceptable within the realm of human error.
Here are the top mistakes companies make when developing custom eLearning content.
1. Teaching Bland Content
Everyone had that one teacher who read from the textbook, in a monotone voice, which made everything they said completely tasteless and, effectively boring.
In this new and exciting world of eLearning-don’t be that teacher.
The reason that people are learning about the topic is that they are interested in the content-that’s a plus.
Yet, if you teach the content blandly, essentially read from the textbook, and lecture more than teach, that spark of interest is going to die a long and painful death.
When creating an eLearning course, it is important to be lively and exciting with the content-keeping it fresh and fun. That is the only way to keep the student’s attention, regardless of how genuinely they want to learn.
2. Trying to Reimagine Tradition
With all these old methods of reading, learning, and living, coming back into style via the computer screen, it makes sense that reimagining a traditional course might do well as eLearning content.
Yet, that assumption is wrong.
While the ideas and some of the information might be useful, the traditional training into a usable eLearning platform is unrealistic and a waste of time.
Here are a few reasons simply uploading a has-been gem into the program and trying to pass it off as innovative knowledge is a failed course in progress:
- Outdated Information– More than likely, the information available in the traditional training is invalid, or at least outdated. After all, it’s hard to sell eLearning innovation with studies that are from the 90s.
- Non-Congruent Platforms– Traditional learning was hands-on, physical learning, while eLearning is online. One is based completely in the physical world and one is based in the virtual world. The two platforms are complete opposites. Therefore, what worked with one platform is not going to work with another platform.
- Dated Learning Styles– When many of these traditional learning components were created, there was a strict, longform way of learning. The way people learn has advanced and flourished so much since then, it may be hard for students to even grasp the method of how the lesson is being taught-not to mention the subject itself.
- Misusing Technology- Another mistake that many companies are guilty of is misusing the technology.Unfortunately, there is no strict way a course misuses technology, but here are a few common forms of misapplication:
- Not Enough Pictures– Pictures are important for many reasons. Pictures help visual learners associate with the content, they break up the written content, and they help to illustrate points that are easier to be shown than explained.
- Too Much Text– It doesn’t matter how much you love to read, when anyone sees a big block of text, especially in an educational setting, their heart drops. Having too much text is discouraging to students and often over-complicates the lesson.
- Confusing/Vague Content– On the flip side of not utilizing enough imagery, there can also be too much imagery and content that takes away from the overall lesson. If the presenter focuses too much on the presentation itself, the content will become vague, confusing, disjointed, and ultimately useless.
- Not Understanding How to Use the Equipment– Unfortunately, there is legitimate equipment malfunctions. Yet, if the malfunction is simply a lack of technological know-how from the presenter, the course quickly becomes a waste of time for everyone involved.
3. Forgetting their Endgame
The final major mistake companies make when creating eLearning content is forgetting their endgame.
Again, with all the fancy additions presenters can add to the class, it is easy to get wrapped up in the function of the presentation and forget about the purpose of the presentation.
While an eLearning course is supposed to keep the student’s attention, the point of the course should never be lost.
So, when reviewing eLearning content, if it doesn’t directly relate to the endgame of the company, it has no place in the course.
Despite the ease and availability of creating eLearning content, there are still strict guidelines that a successful course should follow.
However, if you keep these mistakes companies make when developing custom eLearning content in mind, you will be well on your way to creating an informative, engaging, and educational course.