01 September 2015

Today there are a growing number of Learning Management Systems from which to choose. They all provide companies with an online learning infrastructure.
But that’s where the similarities end.
The online corporate training sector is a moving target — and some eLearning companies are staying ahead of this fast-moving industry. And some are not.
Ahead of the eLearning Curve
Schoox is focused, not just on the present eLearning needs of companies, but also on the future of online training. In particular, three capabilities are putting Schoox ahead of the eLearning curve:
- Powerful, yet flexible, elearning infrastructure
- Social learning tools that boost student engagement
- Extra-curricular learning opportunities to boost employee satisfaction
Here’s how these three elearning capabilities are giving companies more forward-thinking and expansive elearning programs.
1. Unlimited Locations — Built With Limitless Expansion Capabilities
The Schoox robust eLearning infrastructure was built with the eLearning demands of today’s modern workplace in mind — delivering a rare combination of power, flexibility, and ease-of-use.
In particular, companies gain a training infrastructure that easily expands across multiple business locations, multiple training programs, and multiple course structures. In this way, Schoox easily supports companies of all sizes — whether they need to train a few dozen employees at a single location, or thousands of employees at hundreds of locations.
What’s more, Schoox is easy to configure, apply assignment rules, and populate with a wide range of training materials. In fact, it is so powerful and simple-to-use that some companies are up and training in a few minutes or a few hours.
To ensure you choose an eLearning system that meets your company’s exact training requirements, here are a few questions to ask before purchasing your next Learning Management System:
- Does it have a flexible organizational structure that lets you customize your lessons and assign different user permissions for reporting, assigning courses, editing users, and more?
- Can you set up custom-tailored access and rules, so you can assign the proper training to new or existing team members?
- Can you manage your in-class and virtual classroom training events on one system?
- Can you upload any type of file, including PDFs, PowerPoint, video, and even SCORM?
- Does it support identifying employees’ skills and performance strengths for potential new jobs in your company?
- Does it have a well-documented open API to integrate with any third-party software, so you can build an SSO implementation?
2. Social eLearning Tools — Engage, Motivate, and Inspire Employee Learning
Today’s socially engaged workers find traditional learning methods boring. As a result, it’s getting harder to engage employees in job training. One tactic that is helping companies overcome this training challenge is social learning tools.
Online training tools like gamification, leaderboards, certifications and badges, and discussion boards are on the leading edge of eLearning. Numerous research studies and company success stories speak to the power of social learning tools to engage, motivate, and inspire employees to complete their online education. Here are a few highlights:
- Gamification. A big restaurant chain cut training time in half and lowered training costs after launching a portable game for training front-line staff on basic food prep and service tasks.
- Leaderboards. In a recent gamification survey, 62 percent of respondents said they would be motivated to learn if leaderboards were involved and they had the opportunity to compete with their colleagues.
- Badges and Certificates. Game design elements such as points, badges, and leaderboards can enhance the learning experience and increase the frequency and time spent on technology-based training.
- Discussion Boards. Discussion boards help build community among students, which is crucial to providing a successful online learning experience, according to the University of Cincinnati College of Business.
3. Corporate Training + Personal Education = Motivated Employees
Not only does Schoox offer a highly intuitive, social, and mobile interface designed especially for today’s digital workforce, it also offers a unique open learning community.
A growing number of companies are enjoying the opportunity to open the door to Schoox open community — and expand their ePortfolio of learning opportunities to their employees.
This merger of your corporate training program with a library of personal training opportunities for your employees delivers several valuable benefits including:
- Expands your employees’ learning opportunities — and better educated people are better, happier workers.
- Strengthens your employees’ loyalty — our open learning community is a great bonus to give your staff.
- Builds their love for online learning — more opportunities to learn self-selected courses will boost your employees’ overall appreciation for online learning.
When you’re considering your next online learning system, consider choosing one that is already meeting companies’ future training needs and challenges today. Features like power and flexibility for unlimited growth, gamification for employee motivation, and alternative learning opportunities will help propel your company into the future of eLearning.