16 March 2015

Let’s say a trainee cannot make it to your training venue. Or it might also possible that you may have several trainees in different parts of the continent that you’d like to train without leaving your place of business. This is where eLearning becomes a viable option because of its most notable benefit – distance learning.
eLearning is a training method conducted through electronic media. A standard eLearning module is delivered via computer. It can serve as part of business training or as a full course of any field that one chooses.
You might think, why bother with a comprehensive training program at all? Well, that is because with the help of an eLearning module the business can share talent, inspire innovation, and practice being an organization that encourages learning and teaching.
But are those the only benefits? No, it also is cost effective. You are spared from incurring costs that arise from catering for a training environment, you wouldn’t have to bear the cost of flying in employees from out of town, and just the commute to and from training is a waste of time that could have otherwise been used productively.
Here are the top tips, to keep in mind and implement, when drafting out an eLearning project.
It Matters How You Start
When putting together an eLearning project, it is very crucial that you, as a trainer, set a knowledgeable tone in the beginning. You can do this by giving an informative opening as opposed to presentations that begin with an introduction about the eLearning project itself (which the trainee probably already knows about). You want to grab their attention from the start, so that they’re engaged from the first minute till the last.
You need to provide motivation to learn throughout the elearning project. This is important, otherwise your trainees might quit in the middle of the presentation. One of the ways people are motivated to continue viewing an elearning module is when they are able to relate. That is not difficult, for instance you can add an example about a real life experience that will help them think about scenarios that are relatable to their job or business.
Test It Out
Before you launch the module, it would serve to your advantage if you tested it on a small focus group first. Also remember that the people in this focus group must be familiar with the project’s objectives. Try to make sure that these individuals aren’t people you know too well, otherwise their feedback might be biased to please you instead of honest.
Feedback is vital to the success of your eLearning project. The return of information will help you reinforce the training and development aspect of your business. Making necessary corrections to the project will allow you to make sure that you complete the eLearning module. When making the final edits before launching your eLearning module you must work closely with your testing team.